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Wednesday, 4 July 2007


I’ve been reading another website, John Chow dot Com, about writing and maintaining blogs. It suggested I add new posts regularly and write about something I am passionate about. So I got to thinking . . . what am I passionate about?

I know what I am good at, and what I like to do, and what I don’t like to do, but passion? I don’t really feel passionate about much these days. So I approached the question in a different way. What do I consistently do that others don’t do?

Yelling at my kids? No, most (possibly all) the mother’s I know yell at their kids. Computer work? No, I am good with computers but I can happily go days without turning one on, if I had my way. Crafts? I do like my crafts and have tried a great variety, but lately I haven’t had the time or energy to do much. Gardening? I was very “in to” my garden a few years ago but I think that was just a way to escape the unhappiness I felt in my marriage.

Then it hit me . . . the one thing I always strive to do . . . in every aspect of my life . . . SAVE! My friends know I save money any way I can, but I’m talking about saving everything: time, money, things, energy, and even the environment.

There you have it – I am passionate about saving things! That doesn’t mean I am a hoarder, although I do have a lot of little pieces of scrap material and wrapping paper that I am sure I’ll find a use for someday. But I do know when to have a good clear out, if only to make way for more stuff.

So besides my ranting about whatever happens to take my fancy at the time I will try to do regular posts about saving. Don’t worry, I won’t be talking about investments or which KiwiSaver provider is the best. There are many other experts on the WWW who can help you with those problems. I will simply let you know ways in which I have saved things.

Being a single mother of two young girls I find lots of ways to get things cheaply or free. I am also addicted to entering competitions, probably because I quite often win (the small prizes, never the really big ones). Sharing my strategies and past experiences on saving would definitely create a lot of posts and hopefully you will benefit from reading them as well.

In fact, if you have any good ideas or stories to tell about any great deals you have gotten or anything about saving please let me know either in a comment or an email. Who knows, if your story is good I might just post it here!